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Tkinter - Adding multiple columns to a Treeview

I want to add three columns to my Treeview and name them 'Varenavn','Antall','Best før'. I tried the following:

self.tree = ttk.Treeview (height = 10, columns = 3)  
self.tree.grid (row = 4, column = 0, columnspan = 2)  
self.tree.heading ('#0', text = 'Varenavn', anchor = W)  
self.tree.heading ('#1', text = 'Antall', anchor = W)  
self.tree.heading ('#2', text = 'Best før', anchor = W) 

But I am getting:

 _tkinter.TclError: Column #2 out of range.

If I change the last bit of code to:

self.tree.heading ('#1', text = 'Best før', anchor = W) 

The code runs fine, but overwrites 'Antall' to 'Best før' in the second column.

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!


  • The value you give to the columns= argument isn't doing what you expect it to do.

    From the New Mexico Tech Tkinter reference:


    A sequence of column identifier strings. These strings are used internally to identify the columns within the widget. The icon column, whose identifier is always '#0', contains the collapse/expand icons and is always the first column.

    The columns you specify with the columns argument are in addition to the icon column.

    For example, if you specified columns=('Name', 'Size'), three columns would appear in the widget: first the icon column, then two more columns whose internal identifiers are 'Name' and 'Size'.

    So instead of a number, you should give it a tuple of names for the columns you want to create, and you should give one less than the total number of columns you want, since the first is always '#0'.

    To explain the error you're getting, when you use columns = 3 this gives the same result as using columns = ('3') would; you're actually only creating one column next to the '#0' column, which can be identified by either '#1' or '3'. When you try to access column '#2' you get an out of range error because there are only two columns.