I have a folder containing .ply files. I want to read them and plot them like an animation. Initially i am trying to read the files and plot individually using the following code:
testfiledir = 'Files\';
plyfiles = dir(fullfile(testfiledir, '*.ply'));
for k=1:length(plyfiles)
FileNames = plyfiles(k).name;
But while running the script i get the error:
Error using pcread (line 51)
File "val0.ply" does not exist.
Error in read_pcd (line 6)
val0.ply is one my first frame which is read in the variable 'plyfiles'
Where am I making mistake?
Use a datastore it is much easier and will keep track of everything for you. E.g.
ds = fileDatastore("Files/","ReadFcn",@pcread,"FileExtensions",".ply");
then you can read the files from it using read
or readall
, e.g.
while hasdata(ds)
plys = read(ds);
It is slightly slower than if you can make the optimal implementation, but I prefer it big-time for its ease.