I need to show the error if the total min value is not equal to the total max value. How will i able to do it? Here's my code and the link below PLEASE CLICK THIS LINK
this.total$ = this.inquiryForm.valueChanges.pipe(
map(f => f.rows.reduce(
(acc, q) =>
min: +acc.min + +q.min,
max: +acc.max + +q.max
{ min: 0, max: 0 }
You should simply be able to add a boolean property to the component and tap()
the calculated total to set the value:
in public property section, add:
minEqualsMax = true;
In ngOnInit()
this.total$ = this.inquiryForm.valueChanges.pipe(
map(f => f.rows.reduce(
(acc, q) =>
min: +acc.min + +q.min,
max: +acc.max + +q.max
{ min: 0, max: 0 }
tap(total => { this.minEqualsMax = total.min === total.max; }),
Then it's simply a matter of adding your message to the template with a *ngIf="!minEqualsMax"
However, this will not stop the form submit as nothing is added to the form validation. If you need that, I'd suggest writing a custom validator function which iterates the rows
FormArray to calculate values and return an appropriate error if their sums aren't equal.
A custom validator could be as simple as:
const MinEqualsMaxValidator: ValidatorFn = (array: FormArray): { [key: string]: boolean } => {
const total = array.value
.reduce((total, val) => (total.min+=+val.min, total.max+=+val.max, total), {min:0,max:0})
const valid = total.min === total.max;
return valid ? null : { minEqualMax: true };
Add this into the form by including it as a second argument when building the rows
FormGroup: ie rows: formBuilder.group([], MinEqualsMaxValidator)
Then you can include an error message in the form using something like this (to be added to the bottom of your current table):
<tr *ngIf="inquiryForm.rows.invalid && (inquiryForm.controls.rows.dirty || inquiryForm.controls.rows.touched || inquiryForm.submitted)">
<td colspan="4">
Validation Error!
<div *ngIf="inquiryForm.controls.rows.errors.minEqualMax">Error: min does not equal max!</div>
I hope this helps!