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Fluent Migration: How to specify profile when running Migrations in Process .net core

On fluent migrator and according to the documentation this is an example on how run migrations in process on .net core:

using System;
using System.Linq;

using FluentMigrator.Runner;
using FluentMigrator.Runner.Initialization;

using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;

namespace test
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var serviceProvider = CreateServices();

            // Put the database update into a scope to ensure
            // that all resources will be disposed.
            using (var scope = serviceProvider.CreateScope())

        /// <summary>
        /// Configure the dependency injection services
        /// </sumamry>
        private static IServiceProvider CreateServices()
            return new ServiceCollection()
                // Add common FluentMigrator services
                .ConfigureRunner(rb => rb
                    // Add SQLite support to FluentMigrator
                    // Set the connection string
                    .WithGlobalConnectionString("Data Source=test.db")
                    // Define the assembly containing the migrations
                // Enable logging to console in the FluentMigrator way
                .AddLogging(lb => lb.AddFluentMigratorConsole())
                // Build the service provider

        /// <summary>
        /// Update the database
        /// </sumamry>
        private static void UpdateDatabase(IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
            // Instantiate the runner
            var runner = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService<IMigrationRunner>();

            // Execute the migrations

How do you specify a profile in case you want to load one?


  • I found it. Look at the last line.

    return new ServiceCollection()
                // Add common FluentMigrator services
                .ConfigureRunner(rb => rb
                    // Add SQLite support to FluentMigrator
                    // Set the connection string
                    .WithGlobalConnectionString("Data Source=test.db")
                    // Define the assembly containing the migrations
                .Configure<RunnerOptions>(cfg => { cfg.Profile = profile; })

    This was wuite difficult to find in the documentation. Found it tucked away in this issue on gihub.