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How do I provide a custom Application class to my Espresso Activity test?

I'm pretty new to Espresso, but I am trying to test a relatively simple Activity. My android app has its own custom Application class. How can I tell Espresso to use a mocked (or custom) version of this class?

Here is my custom version of the Application. It creates some test data (edited here for brevity). Down the road, I will also be overriding some of the methods.

public class MockMyApplication extends MyApplication {

public void onCreate() {

    // create some location data for testing
    DataRecord rec = new DataRecord(1);
    rec.setDescription("an important customer");

My attempt to test using this, looks like this:

public class LocEditActivityTest extends AndroidJUnitRunner {

public ActivityTestRule<LocEditActivity> activityTestRule
        = new ActivityTestRule<>(LocEditActivity.class);

public Application newApplication(ClassLoader cl, String className, Context context) throws IllegalAccessException, ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException {
    return super.newApplication(cl, MockMyApplication.class.getName(), context);

public void testActivity_ExistingLoc() {

    Intent i = new Intent();


    // shutdown
    onView(withContentDescription("Navigate up")).perform(click());


Using a debugger, I have determined that when LocEditAcitivity's onCreate calls getApplication(), it returns a MyApplication class with empty data, and not the MockedMyApplication with my test data.


  • Found it!

    Looks like I misunderstood the "Runner" class usage. I needed to create my own Runner that extended AndroidJUnitRunner:

    import android.content.Context;
    // Our own test runniner - uses MockMyApplication as a mocked app class
    public class MyAndroidTestRunner extends AndroidJUnitRunner {
        public Application newApplication(ClassLoader cl, String className, Context context) throws IllegalAccessException, ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException {
            return super.newApplication(cl, MockMyApplication.class.getName(), context);

    And then in build.gradle (app), the testInstrumentationRunner entry needs to point to the new runner:

            testInstrumentationRunner "com.winwaed.xyzapp.MyAndroidTestRunner"

    As the newApplication override was in the wrong place, this should be removed from my test class. Also, the test class no longer extends any classes. (ie. I essentially split the runner and test classes - as I said, I misunderstood the runner class)