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A new module that inherit from AdhocHost in omnet++

I need a new module that inherit from AdhocHost. Friends asked before this question, and Mr Jerzy D answered that:

In OMNeT++ behavior is defined only for simple modules. So one cannot define a C++ classes for a compound module.

but the manual states:

Although the C++ class for a compound module can be overridden with the @class property, this is a feature that should probably never be used. Encapsulate the code into a simple module, and add it as a submodule.

How can I create this module? It is not logical to create a cSimpleModule module from scratch because I wanna use predefined AdhocHost parameters,method,... and also my new define.


  • You are right, in OMNeT++ there is the possibility to define a class for compound module. My answer you have mentioned was not 100% correct.

    To create a new module that inherits from AdhocHost and has own class one should do at least:

    1. In inet4\src\inet\node\inet create a new file AdhocHostExtended.ned:

      package inet.node.inet;
      import inet.node.inet.AdhocHost;
      module AdhocHostExtended extends AdhocHost {
          int par1;
          double par2;
    2. In the same directory create AdhocHostExtended.h:

      #include <omnetpp.h>
      using namespace omnetpp;
      namespace inet {
      class AdhocHostExtended : public cModule  {
          virtual int numInitStages() const override { return NUM_INIT_STAGES; }
          virtual void initialize(int stage) override;
          virtual void handleMessage(cMessage *msg);
      } //namespace
    3. In the same directory create

      #include "AdhocHostExtended.h"
      namespace inet {
      void AdhocHostExtended::initialize(int stage) {
        // an example of reading new parameter in the first stage
        if (stage == INITSTAGE_LOCAL) {
           EV << "par1 = " << par("par1").intValue() << endl;
        // your code
      void AdhocHostExtended::handleMessage(cMessage *msg) {
           // your code
      } //namespace

    Take care of using a proper stage inside initialize(). Stages are defined in /inet4/src/inet/common/InitStages.h