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How to change Operator highlight color in Vim?

I just switched to iTerm2 on macOS and found some of its options go to Vim as well. That's the case for fonts, I was able to select a Vim font that I like from iTerm options.

It seems iTerm color options also apply to Vim highligh. But in this case highlight situation is not good enogh for my taste. So I tried to change:

:hi Comment ctermfg=gray

Changes font color of comments.

I would like to change =, ::, +, - color, I think these are Operators, so I tried:

:hi Operator ctermfg=blue

But it seems nothing changes. How should I do that?

If it matters I'm playing with .cpp/.h files.


  • The =, +, -, etc. are not defined as Operator in the default C syntax, which C++ inherits from. Usually Operator means keywords like sizeof, typeof, and so on.

    Since you describe your terminal settings "leaking" to Vim, it's very likely that your colorscheme is not defining the ctermfg and bg. Either for a custom matched Operator group or for Normal (most likely). You can test that easily by setting Normal to some color, like in your example:

    :hi Normal ctermfg=blue

    If the + et all changes, sure they are not in fact being matched as Operator. To fix it, if you agree on setting your Normal group color then that's all there is to it — Normal is the group for default text, unmatched syntax elements. When your colorscheme does not set it, it will use the terminal colors.

    If however you want to have the operators in a different and exclusive color, you will need to match them manually by defining a new syntax item (:h syn-define).