Let's say I have a list of aliases tied to 5 digit codes available at runtime:
aliasPairs = [(12345,'bob'),(23456,'jon'),(34567,'jack'),(45678,'jill'),(89012,'steph')]
I want to find a terse way to express: replace the id in the line with the matching alias, e.g. :
line = "hey there 12345!"
line = re.sub('\d{5}', value in the aliasPairs which matches the ID, line)
print line
Should output:
hey there bob!
How do Python pros write enumerative expressions in a terse manner?
Thanks and cheers!
Consider using a dictionary when you have a one-to-one mapping of two categories of data, such as five digit codes and aliases. Then it's easy to access any particular alias, given its code:
import re
aliases = {
line = "hey there 12345!"
line = re.sub('\d{5}', lambda v: aliases[v.group()], line)
hey there bob!