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Exporting xtable to a pdf file

Hello all I am new to R and Latex and have been stuck on creating a PDF with the xtable function.

The code runs fine and the table is generated in the console however I can not figure out how to save just the table as a pdf. Do I need to link R and Latex with a folder on my computer to save the file?

options(xtable.floating = FALSE)
options(xtable.timestamp = "")

table<- xtable(tli[1:10, ])


And I get this output

> library(xtable). 
> options(xtable.floating = FALSE)
> options(xtable.timestamp = "")
> data(tli). 
> table<- xtable(tli[1:10, ])
> print(table)
% latex table generated in R 3.5.0 by xtable 1.8-2 package
 & grade & sex & disadvg & ethnicty & tlimth \\ 
1 &   6 & M & YES & HISPANIC &  43 \\ 
  2 &   7 & M & NO & BLACK &  88 \\ 
  3 &   5 & F & YES & HISPANIC &  34 \\ 
  4 &   3 & M & YES & HISPANIC &  65 \\ 
  5 &   8 & M & YES & WHITE &  75 \\ 
  6 &   5 & M & NO & BLACK &  74 \\ 
  7 &   8 & F & YES & HISPANIC &  72 \\ 
  8 &   4 & M & YES & BLACK &  79 \\ 
  9 &   6 & M & NO & WHITE &  88 \\ 
  10 &   7 & M & YES & HISPANIC &  87 \\ 

What am I supposed to do next to save this table as a PDF?

Thank you for your time.


  • To generate a PDF, make sure you have a LaTeX compiler installed (e.g. MikTeX). I would then install a LaTeX editor. There are plenty of editors around (almost all of them free, too). For example, I use TeXstudio.

    In R, modify your code to: print(table,file="mytable.tex")

    This will create a TeX document. Now, in your LaTeX editor, you can create a new TeX document with, such as:

    %This is the preamble
    %Put input here     

    In LaTeX, you have a preamble where you can put any packages you may need. It seems with this output that you don't need any extra packages, but you may in the future. Put a % in front of anything that's a comment, similar to R's use of #.

    Where it says %Put input here, you can replace that with \input(mytable.tex). Just make sure that your new TeX document and the table TeX document are in the same folder/directory.

    When you compile your TeX document, you'll produce a PDF document with the table. As you learn LaTeX (and will probably have questions on how to modify your table), you can find helpful answers at