I tried to add
optimization: {
splitChunks: {
cacheGroups: {
commons: {
test: /[\\/]node_modules[\\/]/,
name: 'vendors',
chunks: 'all'
To my webpack config file but when I compare the network when loading the pack in incognito, with and without that config, both are identical.
Also running a build yield the same output.
Is there another way to know for sure if it does something?
What I want to achieve is that each page on my site will have its own chunk, and only that will be loaded when that page is navigated to.
Well, to separate each chunk per page, you should use "Dynamic import", which is a technique of code splitting. By using it, you explicitly say to webpack that you don't need it, up to the point that it is required.
What it does? It is a "wrapper" that is turned into require.ensure
, which returns a promise. And because it is a promise, it can be requested down the road.
To do that, you: import("path/to/whatever");
. If you want to do something, for example, in react.
import("component").then((c) => return <c />);