I've got some JSON like the following:
"books": [
"name": "Matthew"
"name": "Mark",
"sections": [
"reference": "1:1-1:8",
"tags": [
"summary": "blah",
"notes": ""
"reference": "1:9-1:15",
"tags": [
"summary": "",
"notes": ""
I want to get a list of all sections using objectpath.
I've tried:
sections = Tree(db).execute('$.books[@.name is "Mark"].sections')
for section in sections:
but what is returned is a single section, which is an array. That is sections only has a single result while I am expecting (or at least wanting) just the array of 'sections'. This would save me having a for loop in a for loop.
Is there some special syntax to make it return how I want?
I've also tried:
'$.books[@.name is "Mark"].sections.*'
'$.books[@.name is "Mark"].sections[*]'
with no luck.
sections is a generator object. To get the first item from it you can use next()
sections = Tree(db).execute('$.books[@.name is "Mark"].sections')
print(sections) # will show that it's a generator
for section in next(sections):
This first item will be the list with individual sections. Now you can iterate over each section using for loop.