I am using the 7z SDK to compress and decompress files. I want to read the file before compressing it, generate a sha256 hash, write on the file and compress it.
When decompressing, I will read the hash, store it in a variable, decompress the file and get a new hash to compare with the hash stored in the variable to check the integrity of the file.
When compressing the file I included this block:
//Write the hash size from the original file
int HashCodeSize = Hash.generateSHA256Hash(input).Length;
byte[] hashSize = BitConverter.GetBytes(HashCodeSize);
output.Write(hashSize, 0, hashSize.Length);
//Write the hash from the original file
byte[] fileHashCode = new byte[8];
fileHashCode = Hash.generateSHA256Hash(input);
output.Write(fileHashCode, 0, fileHashCode.Length);
When decompressing the file I do this:
//read the hash size from the original file
byte[] hashSize = new byte[4];
input.Read(hashSize, 0, 4);
int sizeOfHash = BitConverter.ToInt16(hashSize, 0);
//Read Hash
byte[] fileHash = new byte[sizeOfHash];
input.Read(fileHash, 0, 8);
When I include those two blocks, I get an *unhandled exception from the SDK, without them blocks the program works perfectly.
That is how I am generating the Hash:
public static byte[] generateSHA256Hash(Stream fileSource)
SHA256 fileHashed = SHA256Managed.Create();
return fileHashed.ComputeHash(fileSource);
Does anyone know what I am doing wrong?
Moving the pointer to the begining of the file before writing it solved my problem:
input.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);