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pyenv-virtualenv: `3.6.4' is not installed in pyenv

This just confuses me and I don't know what it means. I have 3.6.4 installed on my computer(MacOS) but it doesn't want to work.

I can't think of any solution and don't know what to do.


  • The answer is slightly different wether you are on a Mac or a Linux (I am not that used of Windows for Python working).


    (MacOS =>) Be sure that the XCode CLI tools are installed on your computer.

    xcode-select --install

    Then, to install the virtualenv, you have to enter the following command.

    pyenv install 3.6.4

    Here, you can have some issues regarding the zlib library that is not available. Nevertheless, the XCode CLI should have installed zlib. So you are good to go (it still has some issues on MacOS Mojave nevertheless).

    Create Virtualenv

    Then create a new virtualenv for a future use :

    pyenv virtualenv 3.6.4 v3.6.4


    Check that everything is ok and that the virtualenv is installed through the following command :

    pyenv virtualenvs


    Then you just have to use it. For instance for a local use :

    pyenv local v3.6.4


    Check that everything is ok:

    pyenv local and it should show v3.6.4.