I first wanted to upload a file via json and get a response in that way as well.
I'm using:
I soon found out that you can't get a reponse in json. So, I follow that advice and returned as text.
I'm able to get things working after removing the pre tags. Ugly solution, but it's an ugly problem.
Now, my problem is handling errors.
$('form#new_image').submit(function() {
dataType: 'text',
beforeSubmit: showLoading,
success: imageUploadSuccess,
error: imageUploadError
return false;
function imageUploadSuccess(data) {
var jsonObject = $.parseJSON((/<pre>(.+)<\/pre>/.exec(data))[1]);
//Do something
function imageUploadError(data) {
Even if I respond with an error, the success callback (imageUploadSuccess) is always executed.
def create
@image = Image.new params[:file]
@image.imageable_type = params[:imageable_type]
@image.imageable_id = params[:imageable_id]
respond_to do |f|
if @image.save
logger.debug "PASSED"
f.text {render :text => @image.to_json}
logger.debug "FAIL"
f.text { render :text => "Fail!", :status => 500 }
Now, while I could return a json object with success: false
in it when it fails, it just feels dirty that the success callback is always executed.
How do I make use of the error callback?
It seems that whether you use .ajax or .ajaxForm to submit it, as long as the server responds, the success
callback will be executed.
So, I have to reply with specially structured json that has a success: true/false
depending on the situation. It's best illustrated with the controller action (I'm using inherited_resources here, but you get the idea):
def create
create! do |success, failure|
success.html {redirect_to to}
success.text do
image = {
:id => @image.id,
:file_name => @image.file_name,
:success => true
render :text => image.to_json
failure.text do
image = {
:success => false,
:errors => @image.errors
render :text => image.to_json