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alter table add bit column as case when

Hello I am adding a new column to my table

  ALTER TABLE MyTable ADD  Active  AS    CASE WHEN EndDate < getdate() then 0 ELSE 1 END

How can I set the column to be a bit? because by default it is an int32. What I tried is to use this

ALTER TABLE MyTable ADD  Active BIT AS    CASE WHEN EndDate < getdate() then 0 ELSE 1 END

because of some stackoverflow answers. However it seems is not a good aproach what I am doing.


  • Cast it to BIT:

    CREATE TABLE dbo.MyTable
        EndDate datetime2
    ALTER TABLE MyTable 
    ADD  Active AS  CAST(CASE WHEN EndDate < getdate() then 0 ELSE 1 END AS BIT)
    FROM sys.[columns] c
    INNER JOIN sys.[types] t
        ON c.[system_type_id] = t.[system_type_id]
    WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID ('dbo.MyTable')
    DROP TABLE dbo.MyTable;

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