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mlr: Tune model parameters with validation set

Just switched to mlr for my machine learning workflow. I am wondering if it is possible to tune hyperparameters using a separate validation set. From my minimum understanding, makeResampleDesc and makeResampleInstance accepts only resampling from training data.

My goal is to tune parameters with a validation set and test the final model with the test set. This is to prevent overfitting and knowledge leak.

Here is what I did code-wise:

## Create training, validation and test tasks
train_task <- makeClassifTask(data = train_data, target = "y", positive = 1)
validation_task <- makeClassifTask(data = validation_data, target = "y")
test_task <- makeClassifTask(data = test_data, target = "y")

## Attempt to tune parameters with separate validation data
tuned_params <- tuneParams(
    task = train_task,
    resampling = makeResampleInstance("Holdout", task = validation_task),

From the error message, it looks like evaluation is still trying to resample from the training set:

00001: Error in, task, resampling, measures = measures, : Size of data set: 19454 and resampling instance: 1666333 differ!

Does anyone know what I should do? Am I setting up everything the right way?


  • [Update as of 2019/03/27]

    Following @jakob-r's comment, and finally understanding @LarsKotthoff's suggestion, here is what I did:

    ## Create combined training data
    train_task_data <- rbind(train_data, validation_data)
    ## Create learner, training task, etc.
    xgb_learner <- makeLearner("classif.xgboost", predict.type = "prob")
    train_task <- makeClassifTask(data = train_task_data, target = "y", positive = 1)
    ## Tune hyperparameters
    tune_wrapper <- makeTuneWrapper(
      learner = xgb_learner,
      resampling = makeResampleDesc("Holdout"),
      measures = ...,
      par.set = ...,
      control = ...
    model_xgb <- train(tune_wrapper, train_task)

    Here is what I did following @LarsKotthoff 's comment. Assume you have two separate datasets for training (train_data) and validation (validation_data):

    ## Create combined training data
    train_task_data <- rbind(train_data, validation_data)
    size <- nrow(train_task_data)
    train_ind <- seq_len(nrow(train_data))
    validation_ind <- + 1, size)
    ## Create training task
    train_task <- makeClassifTask(data = train_task_data, target = "y", positive = 1)
    ## Tune hyperparameters
    tuned_params <- tuneParams(
        task = train_task,
        resampling = makeFixedHoldoutInstance(train_ind, validation_ind, size),

    After optimizing the hyperparameter set, you can build a final model and test against your test dataset.

    Note: I have to install the latest development version (as of 2018/08/06) from GitHub. Current CRAN version (2.12.1) throws an error when I call makeFixedHoldoutInstance(), i.e.,

    Assertion on 'discrete.names' failed: Must be of type 'logical flag', not 'NULL'.