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NSColor to use for selected table view text

Which NSColor should I use for the text of a selected item in a NSTableView? I have my text field inside a stack view, so the color doesn't get set automatically for selected rows. I tried using NSColor.selectedTextColor, but that's still black in 10.13/light mode. For the moment I'm using NSColor.windowBackgroundColor but that's not going to work in dark mode, where selected rows change the background color but not the text color.


  • NSColor.h in the 10.14 SDK shows this as alternateSelectedControlTextColor:

    @property (class, strong, readonly) NSColor *alternateSelectedControlTextColor;

    /* Foreground color inside emphasized and selected content: table views rows, 
    collection views, etc. Equivalent to +labelColor in a NSBackgroundStyleEmphasized 

    The latter note was also mentioned in the Advanced Dark Mode wwdc talk:

    Where on 10.14 the main label colors will just automatically switch to have the right look inside that selection.