The code below, to subscribe in a topic, was working some months ago.
from import pubsub
def callback(message):
project_id = "my_project"
topic_name = "xxx"
subscription_name = "xxx"
subscriber = pubsub.SubscriberClient()
topic = "projects/{}/topics/{}".format(project_id, topic_name)
subscription_name = 'projects/{}/subscriptions/{}'.format(project_id, subscription_name)
subscription = subscriber.subscribe(subscription_name)
future =
except Exception as ex:
I tried to run it now and I am getting the following error message:
File "", line 16, in < module >
subscription = subscriber.subscribe(subscription_name)
TypeError: subscribe() takes at least 3 arguments (2 given)
As stated in the Google-Cloud Pub/Sub documentation, it seems my code is right. Also, as I said, this same code was working in the past. Any suggestion?
As explained in the docs, you're missing the callback.
It does look like the README.rst on Github is wrong, since on the code we can see those 3 arguments are required:
def subscribe(
self, subscription, callback, flow_control=(),
I've just proposed a fix to the file for clarification.
Regarding the fact that it previously worked, you can see in the repo how on pull 5237 subscribe_experimental was created, and this method required the callback, unlike the regular subscribe. Later on, on pull 5274, subscribe_experimental was promoted to subscribe, meaning that now the callback is required.
If you're having errors when providing the callback, make sure all your libraries are up to date.