I need to have a way to select some file without display of OpenFileDialog.
Yes, I know that CEF is not the best way to automate sth, but I need to do this with CEF.
I have found that this is possible up from 2014: https://github.com/cefsharp/CefSharp/pull/342/commits/c11fe8e4e97179ff4073208c13f9ff29e61bab79
in this commit added ability to overriding file browse dialog result... But I still do not understand how to use this ability...
And I have found sample of usage, but it doesn't work:
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
namespace CefSharp.Example
public class TempFileDialogHandler : IDialogHandler
public bool OnFileDialog(IWebBrowser browser, string title, string defaultFileName, List<string> acceptTypes, out List<string> result)
result = new List<string> { Path.GetRandomFileName() };
return true;
it'ts shows me error that at the moment IDialogHandler in OnFileDialog have another parameters (without result).
Current parameters list is:
public bool OnFileDialog(IWebBrowser browserControl, IBrowser browser, CefFileDialogMode mode, string title, string defaultFilePath, List<string> acceptFilters, int selectedAcceptFilter, IFileDialogCallback callback)
Can someone help me?
I'm using the latest CEFsharp: 63.0.3
public class TempFileDialogHandler : IDialogHandler
string[] _filePath;
public TempFileDialogHandler(params string[] filePath)
_filePath = filePath;
public bool OnFileDialog(IWebBrowser browserControl, IBrowser browser, CefFileDialogMode mode, string title, string defaultFilePath, List<string> acceptFilters, int selectedAcceptFilter, IFileDialogCallback callback)
callback.Continue(0, _filePath.ToList());
return true;
And usage:
Browser.DialogHandler = new TempFileDialogHandler(files);