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Backup/Restore Shared Services Provider on SharePoint MOSS

I'm having serious issues with backing up and restoring a shared services provider.

Using the Central Administration backup I run the backup to s:\

This completes fine.

I then from another SharePoint Server choose to restore a backup and point it to the UNC path \machineipaddress\s$\spbr00DF

I have given everyone full access to s:\ on the source server.

All I get back from SharePoint is this:

Directory \machineipaddress\s$\spbr00DF does not exist or the SQL Server service account and the BI_WEB\Administrator service account do not have permission to read or write to the backup folder. Specify a different directory.

Would appreciate anyones thoughts on this.


All the best


  • What happens when you specify \\machineipaddress\s$ as the folder for the restore?