I have the following afterRemote method setup for the depot model:
Depot.afterRemote('find', function(context, depots, next) {
context.result.forEach(depot => {
depot.address = depot.street_name + ' ' + depot.door_number;
depot.driver_count = depot.drivers.length;
In the json response depot.drivers contains proper data.
However when I try to access depot.drivers in the above method I get some weird output:
{ [Function: f]
_receiver: { postal_code: '1216BS',
door_number: '3',
street_name: 'Straat naam',
city: 'Hilversum',
lat: null,
lng: null,
created: 2018-04-03T01:49:12.000Z,
id: 23,
distributor_id: 2,
distributor: { sys_id: 1,
name: 'distributeur naam',
contact_person: 'Persoon B',
phone: '000-000000',
email: 'info@d.nl',
created: 2018-03-06T00:22:33.000Z,
id: 2 },
drivers: List [] },
_scope: { where: { hub_id: 23 } },
_targetClass: 'driver',
find: [Function],
getAsync: [Function],
build: [Function: bound method],
create: [Function: bound method],
updateAll: [Function: updateAll],
destroyAll: [Function: destroyAll],
findById: [Function: bound method],
findOne: [Function: findOne],
count: [Function: count],
destroy: [Function: bound method],
updateById: [Function: bound method],
exists: [Function: bound method] }
I would eventually like to add a depot.drivers_count property so I can display the amount of drivers connected to a specific depot in a front-end table.
Anyone has an idea how to do this?
Looks like the datas are not converted to JSON.
I would try this:
context.result.forEach(depot => {
depot = depot.toJSON();
depot.address = depot.street_name + ' ' + depot.door_number;
depot.driver_count = depot.drivers.length;