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Dockerizing multi module Spring Boot application using JIB plugin

I have a Spring boot Application and using spotify plugin to Dockerize my application.So, I will have a Dockerfile like the below one.

FROM jdk1.8:latest  

RUN mkdir -p /opt/servie

COPY target/service.war /opt/service


CMD java ${JAVA_OPTS} -jar /opt/service/service.war ${JAVA_ARGS}

I came across JIB and it looks really cool. But, struggling to get it working.

I added the pom entry below.


mvn compile jib:build

I see the following.

[INFO] Building dependencies layer... [INFO] Building classes layer... [INFO] Building resources layer...

When i run the docker image, it says, Jar file does not exist. I have a multi module maven project and would like to dockerize multiple module on running mvn compile jib:build from the parent pom. Any help on this?


  • Yes indeed. JIB doesn't need Dockerfile or dockerd.

    Sharing an example below, you can just copy it into plugins section of your pom.xml

        <!-- make sure you already have created a project at Google Cloud Platform, see -->  
                <!-- <port>4000-4004/udp</port> -->  
            <!-- OR <format>Docker</format> -->  

    for more detailed example, see learnmake-microservices