I have a Spring boot Application and using spotify plugin to Dockerize my application.So, I will have a Dockerfile like the below one.
FROM jdk1.8:latest
RUN mkdir -p /opt/servie
COPY target/service.war /opt/service
CMD java ${JAVA_OPTS} -jar /opt/service/service.war ${JAVA_ARGS}
I came across JIB and it looks really cool. But, struggling to get it working.
I added the pom entry below.
mvn compile jib:build
I see the following.
[INFO] Building dependencies layer... [INFO] Building classes layer... [INFO] Building resources layer...
When i run the docker image, it says, Jar file does not exist. I have a multi module maven project and would like to dockerize multiple module on running mvn compile jib:build from the parent pom. Any help on this?
Yes indeed. JIB doesn't need Dockerfile
or dockerd
Sharing an example below, you can just copy it into plugins
section of your pom.xml
<!-- make sure you already have created a project at Google Cloud Platform, see https://cloud.google.com/container-registry/ -->
<!-- <port>4000-4004/udp</port> -->
<!-- OR <format>Docker</format> -->
for more detailed example, see learnmake-microservices