I have written a service called bookService and am currently having the issue that whenever I test a POST request in Hapi (v17) using Supertest and Expect, the test is creating a new record in the database, so it's not actually wrapping the application that I've imported.
I'm currently importing the bookService into server.js, a snippet of my route in server.js looks as follows:
const Hapi = require('hapi');
const mongoose = require('mongoose');
const bookService = require('./book-service');
method: 'POST',
path: '/books',
handler: bookService.createBook
const init = async () => {
await server.start();
mongoose.connect(MongoDBUrl, { useNewUrlParser: true }).then(() => {
console.log(`Connected to Mongo server at ${MongoDBUrl}`)
}, err => {
module.exports = { server };
The following snippet shows the function that bookService makes for the POST request:
const { Book } = require('./models/book');
const createBook = (req, h) => {
const book = new Book({
author: req.payload.author,
title: req.payload.title,
year: req.payload.year
return Book.create(book).then((book) => {
return h.response({
message: "Book created successfully",
}).catch((err) => {
return {err};
module.exports = { createBook };
I'm using server.listener as the argument for supertest's 'request' library and am still having this issue. My test is passing however it actually adds a new book document to Mongodb whenever I run the test. Are there any gotcha's that I'm not aware of with Supertest and Hapi?
const expect = require('expect');
const request = require('supertest');
const { server } = require('../server/server');
describe('POST /books', () => {
it('should create a new book', (done) => {
let book = {
author: "Steinbeck",
title: "Grapes of Wrath",
year: "1939"
.expect((res) => {
Thank you in advance for any help.
A new book created in your case is expected in integration testing. That's how it works and it always creates a new book in your mongodb.
If you are expecting to not change database, perhaps you can try unit test which should mock the database functionalities so it can prevent a new book created.