I have been stuck for a while with this issue.
When I merge a field and want it sent to uppercase I normaly use [onshow.field;ope=upper]
and it works great for almost all fields but we are sometimes using special chars like æ, ø and å and these are not being sent to upper like the rest.
Are there anyone that know what could be wrong?
Going through the source code of OpenTBS and searching for "upper
", you get to the cryptic constant "15
", which signifies conversion to uppercase. It actually does support Unicode conversion:
($Loc->OpeUtf8) ? mb_convert_case($CurrVal, MB_CASE_UPPER, 'UTF-8') : strtoupper($CurrVal)
And to enable Unicode, it seems that you also need ope=utf8
. It seems that you can have multiple filters by separating them with a comma, so in your template, you can write:
Or you could change the source code to always support Unicode by default on line 1293:
$Loc->OpeUtf8 = true;