If the answer is yes, then an example on how to use them will be great.
Am referring to the below part of documentation: http://vcrpy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/advanced.html#register-your-own-request-matcher
I found the answer myself and the answer is Yes
, it is possible to have multiple custom matchers when using VCR.py It's actually similar to how the VCRPY docs show using a single custom matcher.
Below is a general structure on how it can be done:
def vcr_matcher_1(r1, r2):
# logic for matching r1 and r2 requests
def vcr_matcher_2(r1, r2):
# logic for matching r1 and r2 requests
In your recording code, you can use something like:
custom_vcr = vcr.VCR()
custom_vcr.register_matcher('vcr_matcher_1', vcr_matcher_1)
custom_vcr.register_matcher('vcr_matcher_2', vcr_matcher_2)
with custom_vcr.use_cassette('cassette_name.yml',
match_on = ['method', 'scheme', 'host', 'port', 'vcr_matcher_1', 'vcr_matcher_2']):
The above example also shows you can mix your custom matchers with default provided matchers by VCR.py