Search code examples

How to fetch Reminder with CalendarIdentifier in EventKit?

in Apple Documentation Search with Unique Identifiers

If you know the event’s unique identifier because you fetched it previously with a predicate, you can use the EKEventStore method event(withIdentifier:) to fetch the event. If it is a recurring event, this method will return the first occurrence of the event. You can get an event’s unique identifier with the eventIdentifier property.

Similarly, if you know a specific reminder’s unique identifier from previously fetching it with a predicate, you can call the calendarItem(withIdentifier:) instance method. calendarItem(withIdentifier:) can fetch any calendar item (reminders and events), whereas event(withIdentifier:) fetches only events.

My problem is I want fetch A EKReminder to use isCompleted property.

 // Mark reminder as completed
 // Use the completed property to mark a reminder as completed
 func complete(_ reminder: EKReminder) {
    reminder.isCompleted = true
    /* Some my customize code */
    // Update the reminder

method func calendarItem(withIdentifier identifier: String) -> EKCalendarItem? return an EKCalendarItem.

I dont want use for loop to search exactly Reminder I wanted. Is there any way?


  • EKCalendarItem is the base class of EKReminder and EKEvent. If you know that the calendar item is a reminder cast it to EKReminder

    let reminder = store.calendarItem(withIdentifier: identifier) as! EKReminder