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Optimizing XQuery projection

I'm getting some horrific performance from an XQuery projection in Sql Server. What would be the best way to write the following transformation?

select DocumentData.query(
'<object type="dynamic">
       <OrderTotal type="decimal">
              for $A in /object[1]/state[1]/OrderDetails[1]/object/state[1] 
               return ($A/ItemPrice[1] * $A/Quantity[1]))}      
       <CustomerId type="guid">
       <Details type="collection">
 </object>') as DocumentData
from documents

(I know the code is a bit out of context)

If I check the executionplan for this code, there is about 10+ joins going on. Should I break this down to use for $var for each level in the structure?

For more context, this is what I'm trying to accomplish:

I'm writing a "Linq to XQuery translator" / NoSQL Document DB emulator, filtering works like a charm, projections suffer from perf problems.


  • This article is quite useful: Performance Optimizations for the XML Data Type in SQL Server 2005

    In particular it recommends that instead of writing paths of the form...


    you should instead write...
