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Class extension in Python like in Swift?

I am new to Python, coming from Swift, and I am wondering about the following. In Swift, if I would like to add functionality to an existing class, I can do something like this (as in the book example):

extension Double {
    var km: Double { return self * 1_000.0 }
    var m: Double { return self }
    var cm: Double { return self / 100.0 }
    var mm: Double { return self / 1_000.0 }
    var ft: Double { return self / 3.28084 }
let oneInch =

I really like this functionality and I was wondering if there is something similar in Python. Or if there is some other way much better that I do not see and hence this does not make any sense in Python.


  • For the sake of completeness, I think this is what you should do (In Swift as well!):

    class Meter(float):
        def to_km(self): return self * 1000.0 
        def to_m (self): return self 
        def to_cm(self): return self / 100.0 
        def to_mm(self): return self / 1000.0 
        def to_ft(self): return self / 3.28084 
    oneInch = Meter(25.4).to_mm()

    Make it clear that your object represents a meter, and that you are converting it to something.

    If you want some syntactic sugar, that I am not sure is helpful, you can override the item getter so you do not have to use ():

    class Meter(float):
        conversions = {
        def __getattr__(self,x):
                return self*Meter.conversions[x]
            except KeyError:
                raise KeyError("No such conversion!")
    oneInch = Meter(25.4).mm

    Adding conversions is as simple as:

    Meter.conversions['whatever'] = 123.123