I have an image which I am processing, and I have two buttons, undo and redo. I need the code to undo/redo previous touch action if either of those two buttons are clicked. I know I have to use a stack. How should I implement it?
There are two main patterns for implementing Undo/Redo:
The idea of the memento pattern is that you can save a copy of the entire internal state of an object (without violating encapsulation) to be restored later.
It would be used (for example) like this:
// Create your object that can be "undone"
ImageObject myImage = new ImageObject()
// Save an "undo" point.
var memento = myImage.CreateMemento();
// do a bunch of crazy stuff to the image...
// ...
// Restore to a previous state.
The idea of the command pattern is to encapsulate the actions that are actually performed on an object. Each "action" (or, "command") can optionally know how to roll itself back. Alternatively, when a rollback needs to occur, the entire chain of commands can be executed again.
It would be used (for example) like this:
// Create your object that can be "undone"
ImageObject myImage = new ImageObject()
// Create a "select all" command
var command = new SelectAllCommand(myImage); // This does not actually execute the action.
// Apply the "select all" command to the image
selectAll.Execute(); // In this example, the selectAll command would "take note" of the selection that it is overwriting.
// When needed, rollback:
selectAll.Rollback(); // This would have the effect of restoring the previous selection.