I have tables in the database as follows.
id name phone
id catName
Then i have a pivot table to store many to many reltionship
category_id resume_id
Now i have a edit Resume view where i want to display all the stored categories for specific resume. i am using select2 plugin for select boxes.
i have tried this so far
<select class="select2" multiple="true">
@foreach($categories as $category)
<option {{$category->id == $resume->categories->category_id ? 'selected':''}}>
unfortunately, this is giving me an error because $resume->categories
is a collection and i can not access it like this $resume->categories->category_id
. i need to use foreach here.
But my question is how can i make my select box selected with related categories on load?
The reason you cannot compare $category->id
with $resume->categories->category_id
is as you say the latter will give you a collection and you really need just to check that the $category->id
exists within an array of selected ids.
You should create the array in your controller before passing it to the view;
Something like:
public function show($id)
$resume = Resume::findOrFail($id);
$selectedCategories = $resume->categories->pluck('id')->toArray();
return view('resume.view', compact('resume', 'selectedCategories');
Then in your view do;
<select class="select2" multiple="true">
@foreach($categories as $category)
<option {{in_array($category->id, $selectedCategories) ? 'selected':''}}>
Also, it is sensible to check that $categories
is not empty before foreaching it.
@if(! empty($categories))
@foreach($categories as $category)