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How to override django allauth email templates

I'm using allauth version 0.35.0 and I want to override email templates to make my desired HTML template for them. No problem with allauth login and SignUp and etc. pages But I can't find any template for emails.

It's just a .txt file in path /templates/account/email/. But How can I set HTMLmessage for allauth tasks like changing password and etc. for their email messages?

Any help will be appreciated.


  • Ooops! Shame on me!

    in this part of allauth documentation This said that:

    Emails sent (e.g. in case of password forgotten or email confirmation) can be altered by providing your own templates. Templates are named as follows:



    In case you want to include an HTML representation, add an HTML template as follows:


    So making email_confirmation_message.html in my own template and using template variables which are used in the email_confirmation_message.txt solved the problem.