iv been using maatwebsite/excel to download database records as excel files.this workes on my local machine but when i upload it to digital ocean VPS it doesnt download "give a whoops page". after doing some research i ran into a post that mentioned it might not be supported for long.
so can anyone please help with eighter a better solution to download excel files OR suggestions on how i can resolve my problem
I am using a LEMP stack incase this is relevant.
BY the way i am still new to all this :{ hence the possibly novice question
for some reason my "maatwebsite/excel" was not installed on my vps .so i had to use composer to install it and its dependencies
-> composer require maatwebsite/excel ->composer require phpoffice/phpspreadsheet
in my case thats what i needed. i also had to restart the server afterwards
also concider this
. download('xlsx') xlsx package was not installed so changed it to xls