After using DynamicComposableModel and editing my method in debugger, my Pharo 6.1 image has reached this state:
Instance of SpecLayout did not understand #visibleSlots
Instance of SpecLayout did not understand #instVarNames
. I cannot "File Out" my code because of these errors. I cannot even browse my class, which is actually called "UIVidya" and should be defined by
ComposableModel subclass: #UIVidya
instanceVariableNames: 'vidya listE editE tabmgr'
classVariableNames: ''
poolDictionaries: ''
category: 'vkVidya'!
. In the broken image, UIVidya classLayout
returns SpecLayout. In a healthy image, UIVidya classLayout
returns FixedLayout. I did not make this change on purpose and do not even know how it happened. Can I heal my broken Pharo image in-place, without abandoning the last changes?
I was able to restore normalcy by doing this in Playground:
UIVidya layout: sdfgh
(which is the same as UIVidya layout: nil
). Thanks for your attention, what really helped was aggressive use of the System Browser and Playground to compare broken and non-broken Pharo instances. Now I can "File Out" my code!
The problem came from outdated tutorial at which includes code that sends layout:
. Don't do that in modern Pharo!