I want to create light object data-package to pass between client and server applications.
It is a so simple task, that I can control with only 1 byte, so each bit in a byte will have a different meaning,
Using only the bit
0 = False
1 = True
Itens I need now:
1 - Loaded from database
2 - Persisted
3 - Changed
4 - Marked to Delete
5 -
6 -
7 - Null Value
8 - Read Only
1) How do I use bit operators in Delphi to check each bit value?
2) How do I set the bit Values?
After all help, Ill use the next Set
TStateType = (
stLoaded = 0, // loaded from persistance
stNative = 2, // value loaded and converted to native type
stPersisted = 3, // saved
stChanged = 4, // object or member changed
stToDelete = 5, // marked to delete
stReadOnly = 6, // read only object, will not allow changes
stNull = 7 // value is null
TState = Set of TStateType;
And for stream -> persistance, this will be the record to be used:
TDataPackage = record
Data: TBytes;
TypeInfo: TMetaInfo;
State: Byte;
Instance: TBuffer;
Thank you guys, for all the answers and comments.
I'd really use a set for this. However, I see you really want a byte. Use sets everywhere then typecast to a byte in the end.
This solution will require much less typing, has support for standard delphi operators and really carries no performance penalty as Barry Kelly has pointed out.
procedure Test;
TSetValues = (
TSetValue1 = 0,
TSetValue2 = 1,
TSetValue4 = 2,
TSetValue8 = 3,
TSetValue16 = 4,
TSetValue32 = 5,
TSetValue64 = 6,
TSetValue128 = 7
TMySet = set of TSetValues;
myValue: byte;
mySet: TMySet;
mySet := [TSetValue2, TSetValue16, TSetValue128];
myValue := byte(mySet);
ShowMessage(IntToStr(myValue)); // <-- shows 146