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How to breakdown a business process workflow into user stories

The Product owners have specific requirements around how the Product should enable the users in a complex business process workflow (approvals and what not). The easiest way to document the requirement is in the form of a process diagram/flowchart.

In Scrum however, it is advised for requirements to be in the form of user stories. What is the best way to approach this?

Option 1 Have generic user stories that encompass the workflow, and attach the flowchart diagram as a supporting document. e.g. As an author, I want to be able to submit my article for approval process so that it will get published.

Pros it's easier for people to understand and digest - rather than reading 10-20 user stories.

Cons it becomes an epic

Option 2 Break down the complex flowchart into its own user stories. e.g. As an author, I want to be able to submit my article. As an editor, I would like to get notified when an article has been submitted so that I can review it. As an editor, I need to approve an article As an editor, I would like to be able to request for more information ...

Pros pure Scrum. easy to prioritize/estimate/plan

Cons As you can see even a short business process workflow will easily explode into a lot of user stories.


  • I agree with pma_. Do what makes sense. In this case, you have some great looking user stories.

    "As an editor, I would like to get notified when an article has been submitted so that I can review it."

    If you have a ton of these, then perhaps they are too small. They would all be 1-2hrs. That's probably not a good thing to have. In that case, try grouping them. Perhaps "As an editor, I want to be able to manage articles". That would include several of the ones you have already.

    Keep in mind the goals of user stories...

    • Track items on a burndown chart
    • Deliver fully functional work (not an unusable subset of work)
    • Have estimatable portions

    If you can achieve those goals, you're good. If not, try again.

    Oh, and one last thing - keep the flow diagram, don't throw it out in favor of stories. But supplement the stories with it.