Objective Observe the SMS Content Provider to keep track of Sent SMS and notify the user when they reach a certain limit.
) background service which initialized a ContentObserver that listens to SMS URI changes.While reading through many articles, I could find out stuff like JobIntentService
which can perform a task in the background and then finish. Since I need the ContentObserver to run always or at least when the device is woken up, is there any preferred way to accomplish this.
The persistent notification has made even me to stop the service as it looks annoying.
On Android 7+ we can use JobScheduler and addTriggerContentUri() to solve this problem and its working.
Sample code for this and the methods to achieve it are documented in the below blog post.
class MyJobService : JobService() {
override fun onStartJob(params: JobParameters?): Boolean {
// Do your content observer changes here
jobFinished(params, true)
return true
override fun onStopJob(params: JobParameters?): Boolean {
return false
val component = ComponentName(context, MyJobService::class.java)
val contentUri = JobInfo.TriggerContentUri(Uri.parse("content://sms"),
val jobInfo = JobInfo.Builder(JOB_ID, component)
// Schedule a Job if not already done so
val scheduler: JobScheduler = context.getSystemService(Context.JOB_SCHEDULER_SERVICE) as JobScheduler
val result = scheduler.schedule(jobInfo)
return (result == JobScheduler.RESULT_SUCCESS)
More reading: https://medium.com/google-developers/scheduling-jobs-like-a-pro-with-jobscheduler-286ef8510129