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Owl Carousel loop last item back to first item

I am using owl carousel v2.2.0 for a list of projects on my website. After the carousel scrolls to the last item it stays there. I would like it to loop back to the first item and keep looping instead of stopping at last item. I tried changing loop: false to true but that did nothing. This is my code:

Owl.Defaults = {
        items: 3,
        loop: false,
        center: false,
        rewind: false,

        mouseDrag: true,
        touchDrag: true,
        pullDrag: true,
        freeDrag: false,

        margin: 0,
        stagePadding: 0,

        merge: false,
        mergeFit: true,
        autoWidth: false,

        startPosition: 0,
        rtl: false,

        smartSpeed: 250,
        fluidSpeed: false,
        dragEndSpeed: false,

        responsive: {},
        responsiveRefreshRate: 200,
        responsiveBaseElement: window,

        fallbackEasing: 'swing',

        info: false,

        nestedItemSelector: false,
        itemElement: 'div',
        stageElement: 'div',

        refreshClass: 'owl-refresh',
        loadedClass: 'owl-loaded',
        loadingClass: 'owl-loading',
        rtlClass: 'owl-rtl',
        responsiveClass: 'owl-responsive',
        dragClass: 'owl-drag',
        itemClass: 'owl-item',
        stageClass: 'owl-stage',
        stageOuterClass: 'owl-stage-outer',
        grabClass: 'owl-grab'

and this is the html:

<!--Project Section-->
    <section class="project-section-three">
      <div class="auto-container">
          <!--Sec Title-->
            <div class="sec-title light">
              <h2>Latest Projects</h2>
                <div class="separator"></div>
            <div class="three-item-carousel owl-carousel owl-theme">

                <!--Project Block Four-->
                <div class="project-block-four">
                  <div class="inner-box">
                      <div class="image">
                          <a href="projects/project-1.html"><img src="images/resource/project-1.jpg" alt="" /></a>
                        <div class="lower-content">
                          <h3><a href="projects/project-1.html">US Gas Company</a></h3>
                            <div class="text">Teachings of the great explorer of the truth, builder of human happiness.</div>
                            <a href="projects/project-1.html" class="read-more">Read More <span class="icon flaticon-arrow-pointing-to-right"></span></a>
                <!--Project Block Four-->
                <div class="project-block-four">
                  <div class="inner-box">
                      <div class="image">
                          <a href="projects/project-4.html"><img src="images/resource/project-6.jpg" alt="" /></a>
                        <div class="lower-content">
                          <h3><a href="projects/project-4.html">Golden Gate Bridge</a></h3>
                            <div class="text">Except to obtain some advantage from it? But who has any right to find fault.</div>
                            <a href="projects/project-4.html" class="read-more">Read More <span class="icon flaticon-arrow-pointing-to-right"></span></a>

                <!--Project Block Four-->
                <div class="project-block-four">
                  <div class="inner-box">
                      <div class="image">
                          <a href="projects/project-4.html"><img src="images/resource/project-6.jpg" alt="" /></a>
                        <div class="lower-content">
                          <h3><a href="projects/project-4.html">Golden Gate Bridge</a></h3>
                            <div class="text">Except to obtain some advantage from it? But who has any right to find fault.</div>
                            <a href="projects/project-4.html" class="read-more">Read More <span class="icon flaticon-arrow-pointing-to-right"></span></a>

                <!--Project Block Four-->
                <div class="project-block-four">
                  <div class="inner-box">
                      <div class="image">
                          <a href="projects/project-4.html"><img src="images/resource/project-6.jpg" alt="" /></a>
                        <div class="lower-content">
                          <h3><a href="projects/project-4.html">Golden Gate Bridge</a></h3>
                            <div class="text">Except to obtain some advantage from it? But who has any right to find fault.</div>
                            <a href="projects/project-4.html" class="read-more">Read More <span class="icon flaticon-arrow-pointing-to-right"></span></a>

                <!--Project Block Four-->
                <div class="project-block-four">
                  <div class="inner-box">
                      <div class="image">
                          <a href="projects/project-4.html"><img src="images/resource/project-6.jpg" alt="" /></a>
                        <div class="lower-content">
                          <h3><a href="projects/project-4.html">Golden Gate Bridge</a></h3>
                            <div class="text">Except to obtain some advantage from it? But who has any right to find fault.</div>
                            <a href="projects/project-4.html" class="read-more">Read More <span class="icon flaticon-arrow-pointing-to-right"></span></a>

    <!--End Project Section-->


  • Here's an example with some settings that might help

      autoPlay: 3000, //Set AutoPlay to 3 seconds
      items : (enter your number of slides),
      rewindNav:false //**This

    This is obviously jQuery, but you should be able to add autoPlay with an interval into your Owl.Defaults list, then change rewind to rewindNav:false. This should get you a seamless autoplay.