I am porting my code from sqlite3
to peewee
and so far it works great, however I can't figure out how to port this query:
query = ("SELECT * FROM things
WHERE Fecha substr(Fecha,7)||'/'||substr(Fecha,4,2)||'/'||substr(Fecha,1,2)
BETWEEN ? AND ?", my_field, my_second_field)
On peewee I've got this far:
where_condition = database.fecha.fn.Substr(database.fecha, 7)
.concat(database.fecha.fn.Substr(database.fecha, 4,2))
.concat(database.fecha.fn.Substr(database.fecha, 1,2))
.between(my_field, my_second_field)
But it doesn't works and I'm clueless on how to concatenate substrings on peewee.
>>> 'TextField' has no attribute 'fn'
It's very important that where_condition is an external variable, as it's just 1 filter of many. I make different filters on a different method and then I pass them together to where
as a tuple (I think the fn
function doesn't works because of it). The full code of that is:
for record in database.select().where(*self.build_where_conditions())
# Do something
def build_where_conditions(self):
where_condition = []
# first_thing
if self.checkfirst_thing.isChecked():
where_condition.append(database.first_thing == first_thing)
# something
if self.checksomething.isChecked():
where_condition.append(database.something == something)
# client
if self.checkclient.isChecked():
where_condition.append(database.client == client)
# Serie
if self.checkSerie.isChecked():
where_condition.append(database.code.startswith("{0}{1}".format("18", serie)))
# Code
if self.checkCode.isChecked():
"{0}{1}".format("18", code1),
"{0}{1}".format("18", code2)))
# NOTE: Must always return a tuple
if len(where_condition) >= 1:
return where_condition
return (None,)
Any suggestion on how to do this properly is appreciated.
"fn" should be by itself. It's not an attribute (just like the error says...duh).
from peewee import fn
where_condition = fn.Substr(TheModel.the_text_field, 7)
.concat(fn.Substr(TheModel.the_text_field, 4,2))
.concat('/') ... etc