I cannot seem to find anywhere in the AWS load balancer console a field which tells me which target group is associated with the particular load balancer.I think I remember which one I configured, but I just want to confirm that the correct target group is associated with the correct load balancer and I cannot find it.
From the 'Load Balancers' console you can go to the Listeners tab and look at the link in forwarding to.
Alternately you can click on 'Target Groups' in the left side menu and search for your load balancer in the Load Balancer column:
The aws
cli method would look something like this:
$ aws elbv2 describe-load-balancers \
--query 'LoadBalancers[*].[LoadBalancerArn]' \
--output text | xargs -I {} aws elbv2 describe-target-groups \
--load-balancer-arn {} \
--query 'TargetGroups[].TargetGroupName'