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Where is AJP connector Ubuntu 16, Tomcat 8?

Hi I need to configure AJP connector, which I cannot find.
My ubuntu server is running Apache 2 and I need to redirect all the requests to Tomcat8 server. I am a new in this stuff and kinda struggling to find the proper stuff. Thanks!


  • Hei,

    I believe you need to make sure that you have mod_jk installed and configured for your Apache server, further, you have to explicitly enable this feature in the tomcat server.xml file. Find exact location where your tomcat is located, usually it is called $CATALINA_BASE. In my case it is located /var/lib/tomcat_vesion>/.

    Once you're in the directory open ./conf/server.xml file and make sure the ajp-connector is not disabled, namely, there is no # symbol in front of this line:

    <Connector port="8009" protocol="AJP/1.3" redirectPort="8443" />

    I suggest you to read this article ( and try to spend more time with documentation.
