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How can i add an image to a Acumatica Report if i uploaded more than one image to a Stock Item?

I've added four USR fields to the InventoryItem Table to save the ImageURL of the uploaded images to the Stock Item record, and I want to be able to add those images to a report but in different pages of the report, any help on how to do it?

this is what I have so far.

Page: Page Screenshot

Report (1st Page): Report 1st page concept

Report (2nd Page): Report 2nd page concept


  • I've got the help from Acumatica Dev support, it appears that the Usr fields I've previously added to the InventoryItem table were able to retrieve the images as they are linked to the images itself so the answer is the following: add as many Usr fields as images you want to add to the page, they (the images) are all linked to the same NoteID and you can show them at the report by setting the Data attributes as the following

    MimeType: image/jpeg
    source: Database
    value: =IIf([InventoryItem.ImageURL] = Null, '', [InventoryItem.ImageURL])