How to remove all colors from Here Maps base layer? I do not want to see the freeways in pink or the streets in yellow. I want a custom grey color layer on the map.
The HERE Map Tile API lets you choose different styles though you cannot completely customize the color selection (yet).
For example, here is the reduced-day style that removes pink freeways and yellow streets.
This is how it's done with the JavaScript API:
//...create your own layer (with e.g. the "reduced" scheme
var reduced = platform.getMapTileService({
type: 'base'
}).createTileLayer("maptile", "", 256, "png8");
//Step 2: initialize a map using your custom map tile layer
var map = new H.Map(document.getElementById('mapp'), reduced, {
center: {
lat: 52.3,
lng: 13.8
zoom: 10