I have two issues:
1) Same value is displayed in all select boxes 2) On click of add, two select boxes are added, I want only one to be added
I have uploaded a demo on https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-ngxs-select-form-solved
https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-ngxs-select-form-solved-rnz3hz try this.
You have to add value to the formControl
instead of ngModel
, the value from ngModel
won't be reflected in bindings where formControlName
is used.
Use bindings for formControlName
in dynamically generated inputs:
<div formArrayName="userTechnologies">
<!-- loop throught units -->
<div *ngFor="let unit of form['controls'].userTechnologies['controls']; let i = index ">
<!-- row divider show for every nex row exclude if first row -->
<div *ngIf="form['controls'].userTechnologies['controls'].length > 1 && i > 0">
<div [formGroupName]="i">
<div class="form-group">
<select class="form-control" formControlName="user_technology">
<option value="">Select Technology</option>
<option *ngFor="let technology of technologies | async" [value]="technology.id">
<div *ngIf="unit['controls'].user_technology.invalid" class="alert alert-danger">
<div *ngIf="unit['controls'].user_technology.errors.required">
Technology is required.
<button class="btn btn-danger" *ngIf="form['controls'].userTechnologies['controls'].length > 1" (click)="removeTechnology(i)">Delete</button>
<button class="btn btn-primary" (click)="addTechnology()">Add</button>
In your .ts, addTechnology should work for both new input and for dynamically generated input for setting its value
addTechnology(tech = '') { //<--Edited this
const control = <FormArray>this.form.controls['userTechnologies'];
control.push(this.getTechnology(tech)); //<--Edited this
this.editname = ''; //<--Added this
this.form.controls.userTechnologies.updateValueAndValidity(); //<--Added this
getTechnology(tech = '') {
return this.fb.group({
user_technology: [tech, Validators.required] //<--Edited this
And while assigning the value, call addTechnology for generating dynamic controls:
showUser(id) {
this.editdetails$ = this.store.select(UserState.userByIndex)
.pipe(map(filterFn => filterFn(id)));
this.editdetails$.subscribe(response => {
this.edituserarray = [];
this.editid = response.id;
this.editname = response.name;
var technologies = response.technology.split(',');
for (let tech of technologies) {
let newName = {
techno: tech
// this.edituserarray.push(newName); //<--- Commented this
this.addTechnology(tech); //<--- Added this