I have a package that receives a date field from a flat file. Is there any quick transform this date to the last date of the same month?
e.g. Input: 01.08.2019 Output: 31.08.2019
Thanks a lot in advance
One way of doing it is via Lookup
Package -
So, basically you read the file then pass on them to Lookup
which would run for each of them and query in the database to find out the last day of the month for the input date.
You need OLEDB
connection to be setup for the database queries and below SQL
query would do the job for you -
DECLARE @date VARCHAR(10) = ?
SET @date = REPLACE(@date,'.','/');
SET @date = CONVERT(CHAR(10),CONVERT(DATETIME,LEFT(@date,10),105),101);
SET @date = EOMONTH(@date);
SET @date = SUBSTRING(@date, 9, 2) + '/' + SUBSTRING(@date, 6, 2) + '/' + SUBSTRING(@date, 1, 4);
SELECT REPLACE(@date,'/','.') AS Result;