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Lagom Send custom header

I'm working on Lagom POC on sending POST request to Non lagom service with custom Header. In my case I'm trying to hit postman-echo to test the custom header. However, it looks the headers are not set though I made code changes accordingly:

public CompletionStage<DsapAuthorizationResponse> hitAPI(AuthorizationRequest request) {
            DsapWSRequest dsapWSRequest = new DsapWSRequest();
            dsapWSRequest.username = request.username;
            dsapWSRequest.password = request.password;
            CompletionStage<DsapAuthorizationResponse> dsapresponse = dsapExternalService
                    .handleRequestHeader(requestHeader -> {
                        requestHeader.withHeader("Authorization","Basic mncndsjna");
                        System.out.println("My Headers>>>>>>>> " + requestHeader);
                        return requestHeader;
                    .handleResponseHeader((responseHeader,b) -> {
                        System.out.println("RESPonse Header >>>>>>> : "+responseHeader);
                        return b;
            return dsapresponse;


In the above code header authorization is not set in the request. I am not getting this header in the echo which is mapped correctly in my POJO.

here is the complete code from my GitHub

I followed the steps mentioned here:!topic/lagom-framework/yvKmqvtZWFs

and also followed few other blogs/articles. However so far I haven't found any blog which they are sending request to unmanaged external service with custom header. I'm not sure whats wrong in my code.


  • requestHeader.withHeader returns a new object with the added header, but the code you have written returns the original requestHeader object. In general, many Lagom APIs follow a principle of using immutable objects, with methods that return a new, modified instance, rather than changing the instance the method is called on.

    Try this:

    .handleRequestHeader(requestHeader -> {
        RequestHeader modifiedRequestHeader =
            requestHeader.withHeader("Authorization","Basic mncndsjna");
        System.out.println("My Headers>>>>>>>> " + modifiedRequestHeader);
        return modifiedRequestHeader;