Search code examples

FOR XML PATH columns - concatenate every consecutive occurrence of each value to another FOR XML PATH field

Currently my result set is defined by this statement

 ISNULL('| ' + [Contry],'') + ISNULL('| ' + [State],'') + ISNULL('| ' + [City],'')   
 AS ProjectLocation

Current output of the "Place" filed shown above looks like this:

United States, United States, United States| California, Hawaii, Virginia| Norfolk, Pearl Harbor, San Diego,

I need the output look like:

United States,  Hawaii,  Pearl Harbor |  United States,  Virginia, Norfolk |  United States, California,  San Diego

The values of the columns called above are defined based of FOR XML PATH('') function as follows:

        (SELECT Country.CountryName  + ', '
         FROM MyDB.dbo.Country c
         INNER JOIN MyDB.dbo.Contract con ON c.CountryID = con.ContryID 
                                          AND Opp.OppID = Con.OppID 
         FOR XML PATH('')) AS Country,  
        (SELECT State.StateName + ', ' 
         FROM MyDB.dbo.State s
         INNER JOIN MyDB.dbo.Contract con ON s.StateID = con.ContryID 
                                          AND Opp.OppID = Con.OppID 
         FOR XML PATH('')) AS State, 
        (SELECT State.StateAbbr  + ', ' 
         FROM MyDB.dbo.State s
         INNER JOIN MyDB.dbo.Contract con ON s.StateID = con.ContryID 
                                          AND Opp.OppID = Con.OppID 
         FOR XML PATH('')) AS StateCode, 
        (SELECT Location.LocationName  + ', ' 
         FROM MyDB.dbo.Location l
         INNER JOIN MyDB.dbo.Contract con ON l.LocationID= con.LocationID
                                          AND Opp.OppID = Con.OppID 
         FOR XML PATH('')) AS City
    FROM         ''"
        YourDB.dbo.Opportunity Opp


The "YourDB.dbo.Opportunity" table represent a table with all projects that are available for a contractor

The "MyDB.dbo.Contract" table is a lookup table that joins project with contractors which were hired.

So that is why I need to call FOR XML Function as One Opportunity may have multiple contractors located in different states and cities.

Currently I use the very firs statement to select from the CTE as follows:

  ISNULL('| ' + [Contry],'') + ISNULL('| ' + [State],'') + ISNULL('| ' + [City],'')   
 AS ProjectLocation

But as I said it produced incorrect output.


  • So you have an entire address in a single table. Here is the setup I expected from you:

    declare @Country table (Id int, Name varchar(100));
    declare @State table (Id int, Name varchar(100));
    declare @Location table (Id int, Name varchar(100));
    declare @Opp table (
        Id int,
        CountryId int,
        StateId int,
        LocationId int,
        OpportunityDescription varchar(100)

    On the schema like that, you need to join all the location tables together, combining their fields into a single output:

    select op.*, (
        select concat(c.Name, s.Name, l.Name) as [data()]
        from @Opp p
            inner join @Country c on c.Id = p.CountryId
            inner join @State s on s.Id = p.StateId
            inner join @Location l on l.Id = p.LocationId
        where p.Id = op.Id
        for xml path('')
        ) as [OpportunityLocation]
    from @Opp op;