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Python Looping through only Last List Value

I am using a package to query a list of cells in my Google Sheet and and I'm looking to pass the elements in a different list (forecast) to the values of the Google Sheet list. However, When I run my loops it is passing the last element in my forecast list through each Google Sheet cell in my list. Am I setting up my for loops incorrectly? Is it because of the list element types?

I tried to follow the "Updating Cells" (in batch) section of the library: Gspread

Here is what the two lists look like:


Type = <class 'gspread.models.Cell'>

[<Cell R2C3 '179'>, <Cell R3C3 ''>,...,<Cell R32C3 ''>]


Type = <class 'list'>

 ['179', '754.6296810633474', '638.2052995605169',...,'607.1381980696942']

Here is my Loop setup:

for cell in forecasting_range:
    for forecast in forecasted_session_column:
        cell.value = forecast


[<Cell R2C3 '607.1381980696942'>, <Cell R3C3 '607.1381980696942'>,...,<Cell R32C3 '607.1381980696942'>]


  • If I understand you correctly, you want cell 1 to have forecast 1, cell 2 to have forecast 2 and so on. If so then use one loop, rather than two.

    Each time your outer loop is executing, it sets the value of every cell in the forecasting_range to each value in the forecasted_session_column. At the end of each inner loop execution then the cell will only contain the last value.

    for i in range(0,len(forecasting_range)):
        forecasting_range[i].value = forecasted_session_column[i]

    This uses a variable i to count keep track of an index in both lists so that they will match up the same. Note that this solution expects both lists to be of the same length.