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Maven no class def found when using SNAPSHOT dependency

I'm building an app for RaspberryPi that uses Pi4j. It worked fine until I encountered a need to change Pi4j version from 1.1 to 1.2-SNAPSHOT. I get NoCassDefFoundException when using SNAPSHOT only.

I'm using a few plugins to separate my jar and all libraries, which are stored in lib/* directory. maven-dependency-plugin does the job

maven-jar-plugin links directory with libs to my jar

maven-antrun-plugin copies my jar and only changed dependencies to my raspberry during mvn install

My pom.xml file (stripped a lot)

<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""



        <name>Sonatype OSS Maven Repository</name>




                                    port="${pi.port}" trust="true" verbose="false" failonerror="false">

                            <!-- copy dependencies, only new or modified-->
                            <scp todir="${pi.user}:${pi.password}@${}:${pi.deployDirectory}/lib"
                                 port="${pi.port}" trust="true" verbose="false" failonerror="false">
                                <fileset dir="${}/lib">
                                        <param name="cache.cachefile" value="localdev.cache"/>


After mvn install everything looks fine, my jar is where it should be, all dependencies are copied, I run my jar using java -jar Rpi-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar and it runs, until a NoClassDefFoundError gets raised.

The problem is when I use Pi4j 1.2-SNAPSHOT only. When I use version 1.1 it works fine (well, crashes, that's why I have to switch to 1.2-SNAPSHOT). If I use version 1.1 in pom.xml and after mvn install rename lib\pi4j-core-1.2-SNAPSHOT.jar to lib\pi4j-core-1.1.jar everything runs as expected, no crashes, using version 1.2...


  • Maven-jar-plugin changed name of SNAPSHOT dependency in my jar classpath. To fix this I had to add <useUniqueVersions>false</useUniqueVersions> to the plugin manifest, so now it looks like this


    and works fine