I have this string:
this is the abcd xxx
string I want to abcd yyy
replace in my text abcd zzz
Now I want to replace abcd
and anything after it with blank.
I want this result:
this is the
string I want to
replace in my text
I tried:
select regexp_replace(str, 'abcd.*','','gi')
But it just removed everything after the first match. Also other combos without luck.
What am I missing?
Use the flag n
(newline-sensitive matching) in regexp_replace()
with my_table(str) as (
'this is the abcd xxx
string I want to abcd yyy
replace in my text abcd zzz')
select regexp_replace(str, 'abcd.*','','gin')
from my_table
this is the +
string I want to +
replace in my text
(1 row)