I'm using https://github.com/Gbuomprisco/ngx-chips with two input fields. If a tag gets removed from the first input ("likes") it gets added to the second input ("dislikes).
This doesn't work if there is some input in the second field first.
public likes = [];
public dislikes = [];
onLikeRemove(tag) {
<tag-input [ngModel]="likes" (onRemove)="onLikeRemove($event)">
<tag-input [ngModel]="dislikes">
Steps to reproduce:
1) Add a tag to "dislikes"
2) Add a tag to "likes"
3) Remove the tag from likes - it should be added to dislikes, but that doesn't work.
Is this a bug in the library or am I getting something more basic wrong?
Use two way binding in your code to reflect the changes on UI:
<tag-input [(ngModel)]="likes" (onRemove)="onLikeRemove($event)">
<tag-input [(ngModel)]="dislikes">